The government of Burma has pulled all the stops as they accelerate their campaign of arrests and imprisonments of all opposition before the proposed 2010 election. The reality is Than Shwe does not have enough prison space even with the 6,000+ prisoners he recently released. Millions of Burmese people had enough of his tyranny. The nations is in an uproar as well as growing numbers of military and government officials, including his inner circle. Though he’s started up another radio station to feed more propaganda to the masses, their ears have already grown deaf to his constant lies.
With the population of Burma touched one way or another by death of loved ones it is hard for him to make new lies about how good things are or will be. His last act of extortion, the constitutional referendum, was a total bomb since his charade only fooled the outside world. His goons used various forms of extortion to force people to vote YES. Starvation and death after Cyclone Nargis was the reward for voting NO on the referendum. The cyclone also afforded him the excuse needed so he could exclude villages and regions from critical aid. Most aid was given to those who voted YES and their villages were used for photo ops to prove to the world he cared for his people, the ultimate lie.
Innumerable accounts of black market sales of donated goods fill the desks of journalists around the world. Pictures courageously taken out of the country verified his antics. Cash was his G*D send as he pocketed most of it for the construction costs of his jungle capital and his cyber city. The Peace Pagoda was only frosting on the cake as he lavished himself with a replica Pagoda. With 3.5 billion dollars stashed away for a rainy day he is still petitioning countries for loot to fill is coffers. Some international corporation still line his pockets and it is appropriate they will soon face a similar fate as he for their total disregard for humanity. It was reprehensible to learn that these foreign corporations used slave labor and also killed innocent people. They know who they are and there are volumes of testimony and photographs that clearly identify corporations and individuals. Eye witnesses have flocked to the borders and other nations to tell their stories. And it is only a matter of time before they have to answer for their conduct.
Paranoia and fear has made cause for his regime to recruit businessmen to work on behalf of the junta as spies and operatives. Many merchants fear for their lives if they don’t participate since unscrupulous businessmen eager to collect a bounty will inform on them. Some taxi operators have been targeted and identified as snitches by sympathetic soldiers and government officials. They identified them to prodemocracy groups around the country. The growing number of freedom fighters and pro democracy organizations are springing up in cities and villages. The fighting peacock is truly awakening within Burma.
Even with all the evidence against him and his regime they nation only wants true reconciliation. In spite of all the blood that has been spilled the people would settle for the release of their voted in officials such as Aung San Suu Kyi. The release of political prisoners would begin the healing process. An open dialogue and peaceful transfer of power would save the criminals of Burma the painful retribution they would face. International corporations would not have to worry about their dark secrets. The realities of the one invincible Khmer Rouge and the trials they are facing should be a grim reminder to Than Shwe and his allies.
Everything always comes full circle and no one is safe from the laws of retribution. And someday soon their day will come. Sadly for Than Shwe he will fulfill Burmese tradition as his empire crumbles in the shadow of the Pagoda he built. It is already known he will die this year. The only question is if it will be of natural causes or by the hand of man. His astrologers, fearful of telling him the truth, continue to cater to his vanity. Personally, I see cancer consuming his body. Only time will tell for the end is near.
Your Devil’s Advocate